Rory and Grant Upper Kat Experiments

Rory and Grant, what can I say.

Here are a few of the more interesting pictures that these two cabin buddies sent us for their entry into the 2008 Fly-In Fishing Contest. Their actual fish pictures will get posted up on the web site shortly.

"Hey Bill Here are a few pics from our trip in August you can pic your favourite's for the contest. Grant and I had another awsome trip to Upper Kat Lake this year we cought 151 fish and can't wait to come back next year." Good luck guys!

This is a beautiful James Bay frontier sunset

Here they are, having trouble stopping their meal for this picture, must be walleye they are eating.

We are hoping that you picked up the empties after your little outdoors art experiment!


Rory said...

The beer cans are full, there was a natural spring coming up out of the ground and was so cold that our beer was chilled in 5min no joking. Natures oun beer cooler and all the empties came back on the plane with us. Rory

Anonymous said...

well - i am hoping that Bounce Lake will be just as good!!!

Since I leave in 7 Days- I will get back to you

See you soon, CANT wait